Each submission will go through moderation to check if it meets the necessary criteria before it can be cataloged on the page. Entries cannot contain anything that is unlawful, tortious, fraudulent, deceptive, obscene, sexually explicit, defamatory, violent, threatening, harassing, abusive, falsely representative, or invasive of someone else’s privacy. Your Community Idea must not include any content that infringes any third-party intellectual property rights or otherwise violates third-party rights.
Additionally, only one idea can be listed per submission. All fields of the form (i.e., title, subtitle, description, etc.) must be filled out properly. The contents of each entry cannot be vague, unclear, irreverent (e.g., “make the game run on Ouya”, or “make the game free”), or include personal information. Please also note that the program refers specifically to requesting new features or adjusting the existing ones, and not reporting bugs and glitches. Finally, Community Ideas that share many similarities with the previously submitted concepts or features that are already in the game will all automatically get flagged. Last but not least, we’re making sure that the ideas published are not only great, but also feasible to implement, aligned with the development vision for Dying Light 2 Stay Human.