New Alteration: Viral Rush: Fully Loaded Out Now

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  • Alteration
New Alteration: Viral Rush: Fully Loaded Out Now
Get blasting, Pilgrim!

“So anyway, I started blasting!”

This weekend, keep pulling that pistol trigger without using any ammo! It’s as if every time you reload, the bullets magically replenish. Good thing there’s an influx of Virals currently in Villedor! Take aim or just fire at will, it’s up to you! And if you don't have a pistol, have no fear: the Harran Pistol is waiting for you in your stash! Grab it and it'll be yours forever! 

Please note: The Harran Pistol will only be in your stash if you didn't claim it during our Anniversary celebrations.

The Viral Rush: Fully Loaded Alteration will have the following effects:
Unlimited Pistol ammo
Viral spawning chance has increased
Some Special Infected, like Suiciders, Banshees and even Chargers, might join the Virals trying to take you down

The Viral Rush: Fully Loaded Alteration will run until 12PM on May 13.


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