We’ve heard your feedback about Tower Raid loud and clear and want you to know that we are committed to improving this game mode. Today, we’re releasing the third hotfix, bringing a substantial amount of improvements.
Tower Raid is here to stay, but we recognize it needs additional work. To acknowledge this, we’ve added the “ꞵ” symbol as a sign that our work is not finished here. We are, and will continue, addressing your comments, actively reviewing your feedback, suggestions, and concerns while working diligently to solve the issues you have raised.
Together, we will shape Tower Raid into the thrilling experience you want to play.
Here’s the list of the fixes:
- Fixed issues with one of the toughest enemies: fire extinguishers
- Rebalanced bounties
- Added new achievements
- Resolved multiple AI replication issues (more to come)
- Included more floors for the Quick & Regular mode rotations
- Gameplay balance and difficulty adjustments on some of the floors
- Rebalanced the rooftop fight
- Fixed clipping issues with chests and small bins
- Added further fixes for players being blocked by geometry
- Shortened the time needed to apply medicine
- Fixed an issue with players teleporting outside the map
- Various bug fixes
In upcoming updates, we will also be addressing the following topics you have shared with us:
- Improve experience when team lose their last life
- Make the overall Tower Raid experience more rewarding
As well as continuing our work:
- Resolving AI replication issues
- Balancing floors to provide the best experience for solo and co-op players
- Addressing bugs
And of course, we will continue listening to your feedback and address your concerns!