We had our pest control team hunt down the pesky bugs that have been crawling out of the Tower. With Hotfix 1.21.3, you can be sure that none of them will ambush you during your Tower Raid progress!
Here’s the list of the fixes:
- Resolved a number of crashes and issues on consoles
- Fixed various issues causing players to get stuck in level geometry
- Fixed the issue with the doors on the 11th Floor not opening when the player restarts the floor
- Fixed the issue with Tower Raid weapon mods transferring to the main game
- Fixed the issue where the security loot room icon would not disappear from the compass if the player didn't loot the room before moving to the next floor
- Fixed the issue with perks not being able to be bought from the class selection screen
- Fixed the issue with the bracers from the G.R.E. Hazmat Bundle not appearing in the game
- Fixed the issue with the objective for unlocking the doors on the 6th Floor not updating
- Fixed the issue with the rain appearing while playing Tower Raid
- Fixed the navigation in Sola’s vendor menu
- Fixed the “Floors Completed” pop-up not showing the correct number of floors completed
- Fixed the issue where the options in the main menu wouldn’t highlight when the player hovered over them
- Fixed the issue with doors remaining visually open or closed when restarting the floor
- Fixed the issue with the screen occasionally becoming blurry after using the weapon wheel
- Fixed the issue with the “Join” prompt loading in when holding “Call for Help”
- Fixed the issue with the G.R.E. Hazmat Bundle, where wearing the entire set of gear items wouldn’t trigger burning effects after headshots
- Fixed an issue with players triggering Raid Hub tutorials for other members of a co-op session
- Rebalanced HP for the Tower Raid characters: Toxbane (440 → 510), Dusk (300 → 430), and Breach (440 → 510)
- Rebalanced Stamina for Scrapjaw (350 → 490)
- Rebalanced various floor modifiers in Tower Raid
We’re also working closely with Nvidia on fixing random crashes occurring on RTX 5000 GPU’s.
Our survey is open until Monday, so there is still time to give us your feedback!
Here's the link: LINK