返回关闭 Collect Parts of the Free Ronin Pack, and Get Unique Items! Roam The City as a masterless samurai with the Ronin Pack, coming in three parts to download as free DLCs. Collect all of them, and get a full outfit and a unique sword. Part I DLC21.02.2022 Part II DLC23.02.2022 Part III DLC25.02.2022 DownloadPart I Playstation USPlaystation US Playstation EUPlaystation EU XboxXbox SteamSteam EpicEpic DownloadPart II Playstation USPlaystation US Playstation EUPlaystation EU XboxXbox SteamSteam EpicEpic DownloadPart III Playstation USPlaystation US Playstation EUPlaystation EU XboxXbox SteamSteam EpicEpic 登录 刚来到TechlandGG? 创建账号. 电子邮箱地址 密码 Caps 显示/隐藏密码 忘记密码? 提交 创建账号 已有账号? 此处登录. 已经从游戏主菜单取得代码?在这里输入 TechlandGG游戏码 电子邮箱地址 密码 Caps 显示/隐藏密码 确认密码 Stay up to date! Want to know everything that’s happening in Dying Light right now? Sign up for our newsletter today, and you’ll also get your hands on the Extinguisher, the ultimate tool to cool down the zombie horde! 我希望订阅电子快讯,随时了解《消逝的光芒2:坚守人性》的最新动态以及Techland的特惠活动。请记住,您可以随时取消订阅。 我接受服务条款。 提交 可通过此处了解我们如何处理您的个人数据以及您享有的基本权利。数据控制者为Techland S.A. ,注册地在弗罗茨瓦夫。您可以随时取消订阅。 恢复密码 电子邮箱地址 发送重置链接 返回登录