Harper needs your help! Join up with players around the world to gather 80 000 000 Mutation Samples and claim your reward.
How to Participate
Take part in a series of community goals set around gathering mutation samples. Follow the rules to win unique rewards and find them in your in-game stash once the event ends.
Remember, sign in to Pilgrim Outpost to get all the rewards.
Event participation can be disabled by going to:
Pause Menu > Options > Game > Community Event Participation > Off
Step 1
Hunt down the Special Infected and loot them to collect mutation samples.
Step 2
Earn reputation points to rank up within the all-new Chapter 1 system.
Step 3
Receive Harper’s tokens. Use them to buy exclusive items from Chapter 1’s Vendor.
Event Goals
Chapter 1
The Nightrunners were heroes of old. I was one of them, but that don’t mean the fight had to stop there. The name is Harper and I’m gonna need your help, Pilgrim. There’s been a sudden spike in the Infected — the problem won’t take care of itself. Slaughter some enemies for me. In return, I’ll grant you access to a high-end catalog of weapons, outfits and consumables.
Our actions here are going to change the fate of this city. Are you in?